Technical Papers
2017 Technical Papers
Goldschmidt, M., Jonson, M., Horn, J., Medvitz, R., and Feinberg, M., “Design of a Maneuvering Marine Hydrokinetic Cycloturbine,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Horn, J. F., Yang, J., Lee, D., and He, C., “Parameter Optimization of Dynamic Inversion Control Laws for Shipboard Operations,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 2017.
Horn, J. F., Thorsen, A., and Conti, A., “Towards Handling Qualities Requirements for High-Speed Compound Rotorcraft,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Hromisin, S.M., L.M. Myers, P.J. Morris, and D.K. McLaughlin, “The Near-Field Acoustics of Supersonic Single and Dual Impinging Jets with Correlations to Far-Field Noise,” presented at AIAA Sci-Tech 2017, Grapevine, TX, January 9-13, 2017.
Krott, M., Smith, E. C., and Rahn C. D., “Experimental Validation of Multi-Mode Tailboom Passive Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Lee, S., Brentner, K. S., and Morris, P. J., “Long-Range and Nonlinear Propagation of Helicopter High-Speed Impulsive Noise,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 62, 022007, 2017.
McIntyre, S., and Kunz, R., “Advances and Applications in Comprehensive Gearbox Aero-Thermodynamics and Tribology Simulation,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Prakash, P., and Lesieutre, G. A., “Optimization of Circular Force Generator Placement for Rotorcraft Hub Force and Moment Cancellation,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Reddinger, J.P., Redundant Controls on a Compound Helicopter for Performance, Vibrations, and Survivability, Ph.D. Dissertation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Expected May, 2017.
Reich D., Willits, S., and Schmitz S., “Scaling Effects on Helicopter Rotor Hub Interactional Aerodynamics ,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Under Review
Ren, B., Cho, H., and Lissenden, C. L., “A Guided Wave Sensor Enabling Simultaneous Wavenumber-Frequency Analysis for Both Lamb and Shear-Horizontal Waves,” Sensors 17, 488, 2017.
Schmitz, S., Reich, D., Smith, M. J., and Centolanza, L. R., “First Rotor Hub Flow Prediction Workshop Experimental Data Campaigns and Computational Analyses,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Thedin, R., Kinzel, M. P., Schmitz, S., “High-Fidelity Simulations of the Interaction of Atmospheric Turbulence with Ship Airwakes,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2017.
Thorsen, A.T. and Horn, J. F., “Development and Evaluation of a Unified Control Architecture for a Compound Rotorcraft in Maneuvering Flight,” AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2016-3392). (Submitting to AIAA Journal of the Guidance, Control, and Dynamics)
Vashisth, A,. Bakis, C. E., Ruggeri, C. R., Henry, T. C., and Roberts, G. D., “Effects of Nanosilica on the Ballistic Impact Tolerance of Carbon/Epoxy Tubes Loaded in Torsion,” AHS International 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 2017.
Vieira, B.A.O., Kinzel, M.P., and Maughmer, M.D., “CFD Hover Predictions Including Boundary-Layer Transition,” AIAA SciTech 2017, Grapevine, TX, January 2017.
Vieira, B.A.O. and Maughmer M.D., “Consideration of Dynamic Stall in Rotorcraft Airfoil Design,” (in preparation for journal submission).
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